Wait List and Referral Management
When we heard our customers’ struggles to manually maintain their wait list and referrals, we wanted to offer them an efficient, streamlined solution – integrated right into their mental health EHR software.
Integrated Wait List & Referral Management Capabilities
What do you do when you have a sudden influx of referrals and not enough open intake slots? What happens when a specific department or service that your organization provides is full and no longer accepting new referrals?
Many agencies find themselves managing a Wait List or a Referral List on paper, or spreadsheets. This may work for some companies – but large or particularly busy offices likely experience frustration at the lack of reporting options, duplicate entries, and general inefficiency that comes with such work-arounds.
Our developers got to work configuring an option that would electronically connect the calendar, wait list, referral management, and agency data.
Using the PIMSY Wait List, our customers are able to track and manage data for prospective clients or referrals before they become a client registered in the system and attached to a provider’s case load.
This feature gives you the ability to apply “tags” to potential clients, track demographics, upload documents, record insurance and eligibility info, and many other bells and whistles.
Once you are ready to move someone from the Waiting List to a caseload, you simply click one button, which then automatically converts them to an “Active Client” and moves all the information entered or completed on the Wait List into the newly created chart. With PIMSY, you also have the ability to pull Global Reports based on the Wait List using “tags” or other demographic data.
If a referred consumer on the Wait List does not become an active client (maybe they changed their mind about service or sought help elsewhere), the information from their referral stays in the system’s database. If this same consumer presents again for service in the future, you can simply access their prior Wait List and Referral information and update as needed.
Wait List Feature Demo
Using a feature like this, PIMSY clients are able to see a very precise timeline of service delivery from start to finish. Mental health standards and regulations continue to evolve and are moving toward measurable service delivery and outcomes. We strive to support our customers by providing tools that allow their data to be measurable and reportable, and our Wait List is one of the many ways PIMSY meets this need.
How Can We Help?
We want to hear from you! What type of needs does your agency have? Are there tasks that you struggle with or have become too large to handle manually? Tell us what you need, and let us show you PIMSY’s solutions: 877.334.8512, ext 1 – hello@dev.pimsyehr.com