About Us
The PIMSY Electronic Records Software Story
The PIMSY Electronic Health Records software journey started in 2007, as many startups do – addressing a need in the market that wasn’t being met. Founder Ian MacDonald responded to a request to create a solution for mental & behavioral health clinic needs. It needed to be comprehensive yet simple, easy to use, and, most importantly, cost-efficient. Today, PIMSY (Provider Information Management System) is a leader in this space, offering a complete EHR solution for mental & behavioral health. Organically developed with clinicians in mind, PIMSY continuously evolves to meet provider requirements, with a constant eye on the user experience.
Want to learn more about our product? Click here or contact us.
Why the Sunflowers?
Simple. A typical user interface for an EHR solution can be a stark and sterile experience. We aim to make the clinician’s day slightly brighter – offering a sense of calm in a sometimes chaotic environment. Sunflowers contain the same geometric structure as a honeycomb, symbolic of clinicians, front desk staff, billing department, back office, and administrators all working together to keep a clinic running smoothly. We’re proud to make PIMSY a part of this seamless structure, a powerful yet intuitive system that helps streamline your workflow from start to finish, making it easier than ever to provide services. We hope that through this simple image offering, we bring some brightness and uplifting energy to the frontline heroes who provide behavioral support every day.


Jason King, PhD
Counselor at Hope and Recovery
Lehi, Utah, United States